I hope everyone has a great holiday season and are off to a great new year. We are in Toronto for six weeks and only have one more left. I will post about Toronto next week but in the meantime, here is a video review of my first 22 weeks on tour. There are some very very funny parts. Thank you for watching!
Week 16 Madison

Madison was awesome! We had an awesome Thanksgiving. My mom also came to visit and she had lots of fun. On Thanksgiving a lot of the SOR cast got together to watch the Thanksgiving day parade. My elf on the shelf, Dobby, also arrived and I was very happy. Later that day we had an epic Thanksgiving dinner. There was a lot of food and I had a lot of fun talking to everyone. Thanksgiving so cool and I had a blast being with all my friends. Another thing I did this week was see one of my very good friends from Baton Rouge, James. He watched the show and I gave him a tour. He also stayed overnight in my family’s hotel room. After Sunday’s two shows I got to play on Lynn Keller’s signature bass. It was sleek and I loved it a lot. This week was going to be the last week for Lynn, the bassist in the pit and Dave, one of the guitarists in the pit. They are not gone forever but they are taking a break when we go to Toronto. It was nice being in America for 2018 and now we won’t be back in America until 2019. Off we go to Toronto!
Fancounters Podcast
Leanne and Dad were featured on the podcast Fancounters. Click on the link below to be taken to the site.
Episode 64 – Leanne Parks (School of Rock National Tour)
Nov 23, 2018
Hosted by Nick & Elizabeth – a PodFix Network Podcast
Today on Fancounters we’ve got a dad and daughter who both have experience touring with Broadway Musicals. Leanne Parks is currently playing the role of Katie on the first ever National Tour of School of Rock. Leanne and her dad, Chris, are no strangers to moving from place to place as at just 11 years old, Leanne has lived in 6 US cities and 2 countries…today we’re going to hear about their experience auditioning for School of Rock – being on tour – and what life is like for them on the road of the baddest kid rock concert that might be coming to a city near you!
Week 16 Interview in Madison
The link below will take you to the BroadwayWorld Interview that appeared in Madison.
Week 15 Kansas City
Kansas City was awesome! We got to watch live music and hang out with some family friends. This was a fun and sad week. Our beloved swing Natalia and our guitar tech Dan both left in Kansas City. We got to try deviled eggs in the Instant pot and they were a success! We ate dinner with many friends, we ate with the Kilion family and Lena in between shows on Saturday, and Seth and Rachal, some Baton Rouge friends ate with us on Sunday. This was also the city where my poster was shown in the theatre. We took tons of pictures. Lena was very nice and got me a Mickey Mouse 90th birthday stuffed animal. On Sunday we had a party for Natalia, we had a really fun time. I am very sad to see Dan and Natalia go but at least I know that I will see them again. That is all for Kansas City. Time to have some turkey in Madison, Wisconsin!
Week 14 – San Antonio
San Antonio was super fun. Many friends came to see me and I got to go on the famous riverwalk. On Monday me and some of my friends went to the riverwalk for dinner and it was really cool. At the theater we found my parents’ wall signatures from the 1999 “King and I” tour where they met. We took many pictures and I was very happy that I found my parents’ signatures. I also got to spend some time with family friends and it was really fun. Most of our meals we ate with friends. We ate lunch with my dad’s first band director, me and my dad ate brunch with two friends from Baton Rouge, we ate dinner with my dad’s college friend, we ate dinner with the Otero family who are friends that drove from El Paso, and we ate dinner with my friends Emmi and Lily.
Week 13 – New Orleans
New Orleans was so much fun. It was Halloween and all of the kids in the show dressed up. The girls at the theatre got together to make a haunted house and everyone who came said it was scary and awesome! I was Wednesday Addams. We went to a really cool restaurant called the Phythian where there was pizza, pho, oysters, and other really yummy things. We went there to hang out with some of my friends from Baton Rouge who came to visit us throughout the week. My mommy got to visit too which was awesome. New Orleans was awesome. Off we go to San Antonio!
Week 12 Fayetteville, AR

Fayetteville was a blast, and the sunsets were beautiful. I got to do lots of school work and the theater was walking distance from
My dad and I both watched a band after one show who were dressed as Power Rangers! I also got to do a Q & A for about a hundred people! It was really fun, and they had chicken fried bacon. It was DELICIOUS!! Fayetteville was awesome. Off we go to New Orleans!
Week 11 – Atlanta

Atlanta was an awesome city. We got to stay with our friends Nate and Kellie who were our next door neighbors when we lived here. There were dogs, a kitchen, and most importantly there was love.
Since I used to live here I did tours almost every day!! I am also going to be doing the Broadway Cares speech in Fayetteville, Arkansas and I am super excited! Atlanta was awesome city and I cannot wait for Arkansas.
My mom visited us and we got our School Of Rock jackets and my School Of Rock backpack.
Week 10 – Memphis

Memphis was really cool. I got to walk around the famous Beale Street, take picture with the Elvis Presley statue. Memphis was a really fun week. This was also the first city that school was at the theater so that was exciting. On the first night I had some awesome hamburgers with my friends and I watched a movie with my friends. What was really cool about the Orpheum is that me and my dad both performed there! Isn’t that super cool?
For our school field trip that week we went to the Civil Rights museum. It was fun but very heavy and the information I took in got me very emotional. But enough with the sad stuff let’s go on to the happy stuff. In between shows on Sunday the crew and cast of School Of Rock got to eat tons of awesome food.
This was also the week where the cast members started to do Rubik’s cube races. There also was an epic party at the Hard Rock café. It was super fun and I got to hang out with my friends. Memphis was a really fun city. Off we go to Atlanta, Georgia.