Dayton was a blast! I had tons of fun and I think my friends also had fun. On Monday we flew in and the hotel was very cool. Some highlights of my week were that I got to go swimming with my friends and it was super-duper fun. For our field trip that week we went to a really cool discovery science museum. We also had Abby’s going away party. I was sad that Abby was leaving but the party was really fun. Some other highlights of this week were mommy, ama, and agong (Grandma and grandpa from Taiwan) came to visit me. I also had a QA with some local kids and it was really fun. On Sunday we had a big picnic on, between the two shows. A lot of the kids came and it was really fun.
Also on Sunday after the second show we had Melody’s going away party (tears). The party was really fun but a lot of the kids were crying because Melody was leaving. WOW! Dayton really was a fun week! Now we are off to Memphis, Tennessee!
Friends at the Discovery Science Museum
Signing autographs after the show
Having fun with my grandparents
Taking a picture in front of the School of Rock poster with my grandparents
Eating awesome food that my dad cooked
Grier, me, and Ari (Tomika, Katie, and Shonelle)
Having a QA with local kids
Hanging out with my friends Layne, Brian, and Casey
Ottawa was so cool! On Monday I went swimming with my friends and I had a HUGE buffet! On Tuesday I went to the Supreme court of Canada for our school’s field trip! It was really cool. I had my opening night and it was Rob’s last show (tears). On Wednesday I had school, the show, and Rob’s going away party.
On Thursday it was my birthday!!! YAY! We had an opening night party that was really fun and fancy. On Friday we had my birthday party! It was really fun, and we had cookies! Things that are different on tour: Your birthday party begins after 11:00pm and it is a school night and a show night.
On Saturday we had two shows. Sadly, there was no party. On Sunday I had two shows and it was Emily’s last show (tears). After the two shows I finally got to try a BEAVER TAIL! A beaver tail is fried dough but they put toppings on it. On my beaver tail I had nutella with marsh mellows. It was probably one of the best deserts have ever eaten.
My dad as lifeguard
Wet walk to the Canadien Supreme Court
Visiting the Canadien Supreme Court
Practice every day!!
Awesome book for my birthday!
School of Rock birthday gifts!
Pre-opening night sushi
Birthday cake!!
Me and Rob Coletti
Emily Borromeo & Elysia Jordan
Some of the coolest actors in the world at my birthday party!!
East Lansing was great. The weather was super good so I walked to the show almost everyday. We also had a full kitchen so we made good and healthy food to eat. I met my great aunt and uncle for the first time and met some cool people too. I also was allowed to help Corey with the sound check in between shows (please don’t tell Taurus I played his drums).
Off to Ottawa Canada!
In the airport on our way to East Lansing, playing cards with my road family!
In the airport on our way to East Lansing, playing cards with my road family!
My friend Corey let me help him with sound check in between shows! So cool.
Don't tell Taurus!!
I met my great aunt and uncle for the first time!
I met my great aunt and uncle for the first time!
Backstage tour with a new friend!
Backstage tour with a new friend!
Opening night party hanging with the incredible Emily Borromeo!
Opening night party hanging with the incredible Emily Borromeo!
We did a Q & A after the show and met some really cool new friends.
I had a blast in music city! Everything was amazing especially the audiences watching School Of Rock and downtown. I also had a great week of performances. On Monday I went downtown and got a Nashville shirt, listened to some great music, met Tracy Goode (world renown bass player).
On Tuesday it was opening night and I had my first day of school with the other kids in the cast (see photos below)! On Wednesday I went to my first press interview! It was really fun. That day I also met up with some people from Quaver Music which is a place that helps kids learn music in a fun and active way. It was really fun meeting everyone! I also got new headshots! Doing my headshots was really fun! I then went to my second day of school (by the way our school name is Horace Green, just like in the show). I had my show and it was really fun, like always.
On Thursday all of the kids had SIX HOURS of school! After school I had my show that was fun. On Friday I had two hours and thirty minutes of school. I then went back to Quaver to do an interview. I had an amazing time at the interview and will share all the details on a separate blog post. After my interview I ate dinner with my dad and his old friend’s family. Then I had the show that was fun, as always! On Saturday I had an hour and a half of school. Then I had two shows! They were really fun! On Sunday I had two shows and it was really fun!
Sunday night we packed and got up waaaay early on Monday to fly to Michigan for a week in East Lansing (Michigan State).
World renown bassist Tracy Goode playing at a small club in Nashville!
Cast Board in theater on opening night
Proud parents!
Me, mom, and dad, before the show opening night
Inside the venue. Beautiful hall!
School photo!
Horace Green students before press event
Press event in Nashville
Picture of John Davidson from 1997 Tour of State Fair that my dad was on.
Cousins, Chase, Kellie, and Jim after the show.
My friend Mahrley came to the show!
Ari's ("Shonelle") birthday party after the show
Interview at Quaver. I will have an entire post about it.
This is the week I had been waiting for. After four weeks of rehearsals, I had my debut performance on Tuesday, August 28 at the beautiful Bass Performance Hall in Fort Worth. Both my mom and dad, as well as my aunt and grandfather attended the show. It was so amazing to perform in front of so many people!
One day we went to the Stockyards where I sat on a steer and watched a cattle drive. My parents met Chef Grady Spears on my opening night and we ate dinner at his restaurant the Horshoe Hill Cowboy Café. It was so delicious. Chef Grady and his cowboy friend (see the photos below) presented me with a pair of riding chaps that I think are so cool.
We had 8 shows total in Fort Worth. We had friends come and see the show as well and my dad came to all 8 shows.
Tagging the hotel monitor!
Walking with Sami to our first show
Signing in for my first performance
So cool to see my name and all my friends' names!
My friend Sebastian came to the show!
My friends Riley and Jake!
Making new friends after the show
My friends Melissa and Jake backstage
Posing with the poster outside the theater
Me "Katie", Mystic "Zach", and Sami "Summer"
Eating with Sami in between shows
Chef Grady and a real cowboy!
Getting my cowgirl look on
Watching a cattle drive
Beef, bison, elk, kangaroo, wild boar, and venison jerky. YUM!
After our incredible first week in Costa Mesa, we flew to Dallas for more rehearsals. Three weeks of incredible time spent with production managers, stage managers, company managers, the incredible crew, the wranglers (they take care of us), and the rest of the cast and management team. It was such an incredible three weeks!
Below are some pictures from these three weeks. Click on the picture below to open the gallery.
Me and seven others joined the tour at the very end of July. We began in Costa Mesa, CA. We were with the company there for one full week rehearsing during the day while the show went on at night. It was so much fun meeting all the other new members (all kids like me) and the rest of the amazing cast. We went to see the show in Costa Mesa and I was blown away with how incredible everyone was.
There are some photos below click on them to open the gallery.
New friends at our very first rehearsal
Very first rehearsal meeting
New friends
Tickets to see the show. The show was so incredible!!