Fayetteville was a blast, and the sunsets were beautiful. I got to do lots of school work and the theater was walking distance from out awesome hotel. My friend Ari who plays Shonelle and I had connecting rooms so we got to do lots of school together. Grier who plays Tomika, Ari and I got to eat one of my dad’s delicious dinners together while doing school.
My dad and I both watched a band after one show who were dressed as Power Rangers! I also got to do a Q & A for about a hundred people! It was really fun, and they had chicken fried bacon. It was DELICIOUS!! Fayetteville was awesome. Off we go to New Orleans!
HUGE poster
After show party in the lobby
Momma Dell giving me counsel (she is awesome!)
Q & A with a local school group
Morning Q & A for season ticket holders and donors
Waiting to be introduced at the morning Q & A
Our swag came in!!
Me "Katie", Grier "Tomika", and Ari "Shonelle" eating some home-cooked food my daddy made while we did school work