Madison was awesome! We had an awesome Thanksgiving. My mom also came to visit and she had lots of fun. On Thanksgiving a lot of the SOR cast got together to watch the Thanksgiving day parade. My elf on the shelf, Dobby, also arrived and I was very happy. Later that day we had an epic Thanksgiving dinner. There was a lot of food and I had a lot of fun talking to everyone. Thanksgiving so cool and I had a blast being with all my friends. Another thing I did this week was see one of my very good friends from Baton Rouge, James. He watched the show and I gave him a tour. He also stayed overnight in my family’s hotel room. After Sunday’s two shows I got to play on Lynn Keller’s signature bass. It was sleek and I loved it a lot. This week was going to be the last week for Lynn, the bassist in the pit and Dave, one of the guitarists in the pit. They are not gone forever but they are taking a break when we go to Toronto. It was nice being in America for 2018 and now we won’t be back in America until 2019. Off we go to Toronto!