Dayton was a blast! I had tons of fun and I think my friends also had fun. On Monday we flew in and the hotel was very cool. Some highlights of my week were that I got to go swimming with my friends and it was super-duper fun. For our field trip that week we went to a really cool discovery science museum. We also had Abby’s going away party. I was sad that Abby was leaving but the party was really fun. Some other highlights of this week were mommy, ama, and agong (Grandma and grandpa from Taiwan) came to visit me. I also had a QA with some local kids and it was really fun. On Sunday we had a big picnic on, between the two shows. A lot of the kids came and it was really fun.
Also on Sunday after the second show we had Melody’s going away party (tears). The party was really fun but a lot of the kids were crying because Melody was leaving. WOW! Dayton really was a fun week! Now we are off to Memphis, Tennessee!
Leanne Parks is awesome!!!