Toronto is so amazing! There was a lot of great food, everyone was nice, and the theatre was very welcoming. I had so many highlights in Toronto I don’t know where to start!
My family and I had our very own apartment, where we could cook lots of yummy food and have sleepovers with my friends. We also had many birthdays in Toronto, including my dad’s!
I celebrated Christmas with my mom and dad. It was really fun. We also celebrated New Years with my friend, Addison.

I was also on the local newspaper and it was really exciting!
Since we were in Toronto for six weeks, we watched many fun movies! We watched Mary Poppins Returns, Wreck It Ralph Breaks the Internet, and much much more!
Another thing that was really cool was that all of our photos were next to the theatre. It was really nice walking past them and seeing myself in a picture.
Another amazing thing that happened was that I hit my one hundredth show! We also got to meet this very famous Canadian astronaut! His name is Chris Hadfield and he is on the Canadian five-dollar bill.
Toronto is an amazing city and I was sad to leave the amazing place but we are going to other amazing places! See you in Grand Rapids!!
There are some really cool pictures below, just click on the first one and scroll through